I like to write. I have to write often for work but I also enjoy to write for myself about stuffs not specifically related to work. Writing anything requires concentration and sometimes it’s easy to search for distraction instead of clearing your head, focusing on the task to be done and doing it. Actually writing or reading both require a lot of concentration and over the years I develop a strategy when it’s time to think, write or read. Yes sometimes I think.

The answer is music, or noise or even more precisely auto-generative music or self-generative noise. I don’t remember how I ended up on noisli but since this discovery I intensively use this website/app to shape the sound atmosphere around me. You can mix together different background sounds, this is the idea, to create a noise mix if not musical that will keep you in your bubble, to surround you in a way that elements from the outside will not disturb you.

Recreating the sound from the train or while being in an airplane works for me. I wish Miles Davis album Silent Way could be played forever, with noisli I can simulate the noise from a train ride. But the delicate sound from an FM frequency without voices is so relaxing to me.

Now I’m not only using this app for working or to put myself into the quest for concentration, no. In winter I like to hear the sound of the fire crackling together with a light wind, it’s warming up my flat and my feet. The same in summer when it’s too warm, a bit of wind, a bit of lighting noise and/or the sound of light waves on the beach has a strong effect.

Coming from the field of color science, computer vision, VR stuffs I find this kind of app extremely simple and super immersive. Video game designers didn’t wait for me to incorporate sound into their games to increase their immersive factor.