Who am I?

I’m a color and computer vision scientist. I did obtain my PhD in signal and image processing in 2007. I did my research in Norway at the now called The Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory while being registered in Paris at the now called Telecom ParisTech. At the moment I’m writing these words I’m based in Montreal where I returned in June 2017 to join the startup IRYStec after almost then years in Berlin back in July 2008, this following again almost 5 years in Norway where I arrived in 2003, but originally I’m from Paris where I was born in the holy year 1977.


My research was about multi-spectral color reproduction or how to make perfect copy of a painting. This being possible if you have in your hands a spectral image of your painting, a printer with several inks/colorants and their spectral properties. The rest is mathematic, geometry, optimization, printing technology, halftoning, color science, human color perception… The pdf of my thesis is available here.

After my thesis I have been working as an applied scientist in one of the Fraunhofer Institutes in Berlin called FOKUS. The topics were a mix of color correction, immersive display, medical imaging, computer vision, feature points tracking, machine learning-ish, human color perception, VR, image stitching, you name it.

I also worked in a few startups in Berlin with mixed experiences. The time spent in each of those places only allowed to start projects and sometimes didn’t give me the chance to finish them, but I always learned something.

What else?

I like to believe that I’m not only an applied scientist and I try to maintain an art practise in parallel. Some of my visual art works can be seen on my cargo website.