My Second half-marathon race, same event and weather as last year, clear sky for starting the race and the dakrness for crossing the finish line.

During the race

I don’t remember much, but I do remember the similar sensation to run toward an unreachable horizon on the tarmac, the only things we see are the airplanes on the old airport tarmac taking off or landing.

First loop ok and second one with no light except the ones on the tarmac directly, so you run a few meters in the dark aiming for the next spotlight and darkenss again, of course I don’t have any headlamp and it’s getting fresh.

After the race

A time of 1h57min46sec which almos the same as last year, main difference I was fresh at the start and felt relatively good all along.

Map of the race

Using folium I managed to overlay the gps run traces on the top of a map, and you can interactively zoom in and out.