In the past weeks I have been working on a few things:

Blogging with jekyll

I use the ability of github to host blog using jekyll framework build in ruby.

I went a bit deeper to really understand how the static website was generated in order to try locally before to publish online.

Working with gpx traces

For that I have created a new repository called datavizRun with tools to load gpx files and produce visualizations of those files.

It is based on Python programming language.

The biggest improvement was the usage of Folium to produce beautiful embedded in blog post maps.

There is a big room of improvement for how I handle my gpx data and I’m continuously learning how to use better Pandas data structure.

Cleaning my github repository

I did put some repositories in archive or delete them, looking at pseudo code more than 8y old is embarrassing.

The power of Liquid templates

At first I thought I will create another blog website, still using github hability to host static website.

But while learning more about jekyll, how to change theme and how it is working I realise I can simply add my new posts as usual, a list of the post is available when you reach my blog, and I can add page that will - each time the website is created - list all posts about running.

It always fun to learn new tools, for now I’m just scratching the surface of liquid an open source template language created by shopify early 2000.