The conference follows its schedule. Atmosphere is very pro, entertainment, media, very american. The museum where the event is taking place is located in a park with a view on an open garden, completely white after the snow from yesterday, a frozen small artificial lake, a few trees, behind the Denver skyline and in the background a huge wall, I mean the mountain.

A big part of the movies for digital domes are produced by the different digital domes/science centers. Therefore the content is mostly scientific having for goal to introduce science to a young audience. You are suppose to go into extasies when the film is flying into the deep space, stars, galaxies… I have a small overdose of such films after trees days not that I don’t like the milky way.

Regarding the technical details and the content creation, you could say using a fisheye lens is enough, but not. The big question is not technical but how to tell story on such large and immersive screen?. Story telling was on all the lips.